Select the plan which is suitable for your needs by following the simple steps.
The greater flexibility is offered to the customers ai that they can choose the price plan which is suitable for their lifestyle and budget. You can prefer the electricity provider of your choice if you are ready to buy electricity in the open electricity market Singapore. The reliable electricity supply us available so that you can decide to buy the electricity without any obligations. If you follow some simple steps then you can select the plan which is suitable for your needs. You can save money on your electricity bills with the best services offered by our team. The electricity plan calculator is very useful if you want to know about your savings on the bill. If you are very much interested in checking out the price plans then you can feel free to visit our website.
Offer fixed price reduction:
You can easily log in to your account on our website by providing your username and password. The promotions which are offered on our website are very much useful for the customers throughout the contract period. The fixed price reduction is offered to the customers if they are ready to enter the promo code in the open electricity market Singapore. You should verify the terms and conditions of our website if you are interested to hire the services which are offered by our team. If you want to stay safe and work from home then you can proceed to signup for a flexible plan. There will be no obligations for the users if they want to sign up for a plan on our website.